Presentation slides

Many speakers at club meetings send us a copy of their slides in PDF form. These are the presentations we have.

PresentationPresenterClick to view
Batteries for Military RadiosGordon Waller
Dayton Hamfest 2016Win Grant, W4WIN
Delicious HamPiBruce MacAlister, W4BRU
Designing and Constructing Magnetic Loop AntennasJohn DeMajo, K4HTC (SK)
DMR IntroductionBruce MacAlister, W4BRUDMR pres at RARC
Introduction to Digital Voice ModesBruce MacAlister, W4BRU
Packet-RadioLee Maddox, N4HOK
PiStar HotspotsJB Edmonds, N4NQYPi- Star Hotspots RARC
RF Exposure CalculationsBruce MacAlister, W4BRU
SDR – the GutsBruce MacAlister, W4BRUSDR guts ham clubs