RARC meeting November 13, 2020 – Program: 5G Overview by Brewer Pedin, W4MGA

Business meeting

The first 10 to 20 minutes are the business of the club. Reports on the finances, new members, the school, the club stations, etc. are covered.


Brewer Pedin, W4MGA

5G Overview by Brewer Pedin, W4MGA

5G, 5G, 5G – we keep hearing about it. What is it and when is it? Brewer Pedin, W4MGA, is an RF/uWave/Wireless engineer with Keysight Technologies. This presentation will educate and illuminate the current state of 5G and forecast 6G.

He will present a high level overview of the technologies known as “5G.” A review of 1G-4G and other technologies lays the foundation. 5G itself is broken down into the physical layer technologies, including OFDM modulation, MIMO, mmWave, and beam forming. The core networks behind the base stations are also examined.

Zoom credentials to attend the meeting

The RARC meeting is completely on Zoom, no 2-meter radio part.

For those of you have a problem with using Zoom, note that you can join the meeting using just a phone, landline or cell phone, no zoom app needed. Granted you will miss any video but it will be like using a radio. If you are calling in on a phone here are 2 special “codes”

* 6 Mute / Unmute
* 9 Raise Hand

Here is the Zoom meeting information

Topic: RARC Monthly Meeting – Virtual;
Time: Aug 14, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 885 1805 8584

Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 885 1805 8584