November’s 2024 meeting Zoom link & Newsletter

For the newsletter click

The November meeting is hybrid, those who wish to meet in-person can meet at the church (remember the new entrance – see website) or the meeting will available by Zoom interactive live-stream. This meeting we will be using new hardware, OWLs, to greatly improve on the Zoom experience. Please send your comments to  Thanks.

Here is the Zoom meeting information

RARC Monthly Meeting – In Person and Virtual;
Time: Second Friday of the month, 07:00 PM Eastern Time

Virtual Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 885 1805 8584

Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 885 1805 8584

For those of you have a problem with using Zoom, note that you can join the meeting using just a phone, landline or cell phone, no zoom app needed. Granted you will miss any video but it will be like using a radio. If you are calling in on a phone here are 2 special “codes”

* 6 Mute / Un-mute
* 9 Raise Hand