DMR presentation slides with notes
DMR presentation by Bruce MacAlister, W4BRU, at the April 2018 Richmond Amateur Radio Club monthly meeting. Click to get the PDF: DMR pres at RARC w notes
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DMR presentation by Bruce MacAlister, W4BRU, at the April 2018 Richmond Amateur Radio Club monthly meeting. Click to get the PDF: DMR pres at RARC w notes
The history of radio – and a museum to go with it – is a passion for RARC member John DeMajo, K5HTZ. In edition of his series in the RARC monthly newsletter, he presents it as a series of slides. Some have asked for the slides. You can get a PDF copy by clicking radio_history.
Clockwise John King, WB4NHX, gets the SDR receiver and its large spectrum display going. Bruce MacAlister, W4BRU, and Rick Waller, KA4OHM, show an Arrow (brand) dual-band Yagi-Udo antenna used to talk via ham satellites. Maylon Pearman, N4EG, answers questions. Tom Ebbert, KQ4BIZ, (in the striped shirt) shows how Manhattan-style circuits are built. Rick Waller, KA4OHM, Read More …
As soon as some Internet firewall issues are sorted out, the RARC remotely controllable station will be available for club members to use from their computers (Windows only) or Android phones or tablets. Click here to see or download the PDF on the RARC station and the RemoteHams software.
This presentation with a packet demonstration was given at the March club meeting. N4HOK Packet Radio Presentation for RARC 2017-03-10
We sent ARISS our 100th anniversary QSL card for the 6 July contact. And a SASE, of course. We got their QSL card back. Below is a panoramic view of the ISS contact on July 6.
At 1:29 UTC (10:29am EDT), 14 students and 6 instructors asked questions of astronaut Jeff Williams, KD5TVQ, aboard the ISS (International Space Station). it was part of the “Space Station Camp,” a joint project of the Science Museum of Virginia and six RVA amateur radio clubs with the RARC taking the lead. Since our RARC Read More …
It’s got pictures and comments on what was new and what was interesting at Dayton this year. Click here Win Grants Dayton 2016 report ver 2-1 for the 10-page PDF with your tour of Hamvention 2016.
Jim Bate, K8OI, presented how-to set up a rig for remote control. The presentation slides are here. RemoteHams Presentation 2015
Introduction to Digital Voice Modes – 2014-07