August Meeting is on YouTube

The recording of the RARC August meeting and Presentation by Fred Kemmerer President of the Nashua radio club on how the club transformed itself and became ARRL’s club of the year in 2019 can now be view on RARC’s YouTube channel. Follow the link here .

June meeting Posted to YouTube

Our June meeting and presentation on life as a Ham in Russia is now available on our YouTube channel.  See our YouTube channel page to here on our website to get the line or view our featured content.

3D Printer forms

Look under the Forms section of the website to see the 3D printer files to Print the forms created by John Portune W6NBC that he discussed at our February meeting.

Hand-held new law

As you may remember the “distracted driver” law currently in effect was for just work zones and amateur radio was not an exception to the law. This last legislature session passed a new version of the state law (H 874 on March 10 2020) that applies to the whole state. The good news is that Read More …