Clockwise John King, WB4NHX, gets the SDR receiver and its large spectrum display going. Bruce MacAlister, W4BRU, and Rick Waller, KA4OHM, show an Arrow (brand) dual-band Yagi-Udo antenna used to talk via ham satellites. Maylon Pearman, N4EG, answers questions. Tom Ebbert, KQ4BIZ, (in the striped shirt) shows how Manhattan-style circuits are built. Rick Waller, KA4OHM, shows DIY radios to a mother and son.
Hams staffing the tables:
Amand Hamel, WA1UQO
Bill Catogni, KM4MGP
Bruce MacAlister, W4BRU
Dan Bryant, N4DOB
John King, WB4NHX
Judi LeHuquet, KM4MGO
Ken Zutavern, K4ZUT
Maylon Pearman, N4EG
Mike Calkins, KA2CUF
Mike Owens, K4RKO
Rick Waller, KA4OHM
Rob Thomas, KC4NYK
Tom Ebbert, KQ4BIZ